Maxine was probably the happiest person of the day. She got a Barbie-clone bedroom set:

She also got some little tin cats from Grandma and Grandpa, as well as a Ken doll, which can be seen in the background.

Quinten is happy with his dragon that shoots yellow balls (of fire, I presume) when you jam them in his snoot and squeeze his belly (the dragon's belly, that is, not Quinten's).

Horyon and I got matching Kansas Jayhawks shirts, which is pretty awesome.

I also got Horyon some thick, fluffy socks to keep her feet warm. I got a new chair to sit on while I use the computer, hence the Roblog entry.
Of course, we got to church a little late. I took care of Quinten while Horyon talked with an expectant mother (due any day now), so neither of us actually got to sing along much or listen to the sermon. Hopefully we will have many more opportunities to actually participate in a Christmas worship service.
Merry Christmas from the Sacks in Korea to all of you.