This sermon is the second of three I delivered in the summer of 2024. I was happy with everything except for the title. I should have called it "Ignore the Little Gods." The video for my sermon starts at about 23 minutes. I will note that my stated goal was for the sermon to last 20 minutes, and my final time was about half an hour. But hey, on YouTube you can speed up the playback. Feel free to do so, or to not listen at all.
As usual, the actual sermon I delivered on the day was a little different from this manuscript. Losing my place in the reading, responding to the energy of the congregation, and just plain misspeaking are the main culprits. Finding the differences between the manuscript and the video recording I leave as an exercise for you, dear reader.
Psalm 82: The Obstacles in
Front of Us
Sack July 28th, 2024
Joy English Worship Service
has taken his place in the divine council;
the midst of the gods he holds judgment:
long will you judge unjustly
show partiality to the wicked? Selah
justice to the weak and the fatherless;
the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
the weak and the needy;
them from the hand of the wicked.”
have neither knowledge nor understanding,
walk about in darkness;
the foundations of the earth are shaken.
said, “You are gods,
of the Most High, all of you;
like men you shall die,
fall like any prince.”
O God, judge the earth;
you shall inherit all the nations! Psalm 82:1-8
who gives justice, Spirit who gives life, Jesus who gives salvation,
bring your gifts to us your people, amen.
When Frank and I decided to
preach a series on the Psalms, Psalm 82 was not on my radar at all.
It came up in one of my daily devotionals, and it immediately got my
attention because of the following:
modern eyes and ears, it is weird. Like, really weird. This “divine
council” sounds like Greek mythology, with Zeus and Hera and
Poseidon and all the other gods sitting around in togas talking
about whatever gods talk about.
also kind of cool. Like they could have snuck some of this into a
Marvel movie and no one would have noticed.
I didn’t understand this psalm after reading it just once. Or
twice. On my own, it was just too confusing, like one of those
puzzle boxes where you need to know the trick for opening it. I
needed help to get through this one.
when do we believe that other gods exist? How do we deal with Our
God talking to other gods when we believe that Our God is the only
is this relevant to us today? Again, It feels old and weird and
mythical, not connected to modern life at all.
To some people, these would be
reasons to avoid talking about a passage of scripture. But I like
unlocking a tricky door, especially if I can bring a bunch of friends
through it with me. One of my goals today is to connect your life
directly to this weird, old song. I’m going to start with a little
direct interpretation by translation.
My first translation trick
will be choosing different words. Words that are easier for us to
understand. You can already find many different translations of this
Psalm, online or in books. I am just taking what I like from them and
trying to make the ideas clearer for us. It’s not my goal to
replace the words of the Bible, but to help us to understand them
My second translation trick
will be assigning the words to different physical characters, so it’s
easier for us to see who is talking, and to whom they are speaking.
Psalm 82 has three characters. The first character is a narrator who
helps to explain what is happening. I will be the narrator. The
second character is God. Igor has graciously agreed to help me out by
reading the part of God. This was a big thing to ask, and I am very
grateful to him. Thank you, Igor. The third part in Psalm 82 is the
gods of the divine council. These gods never speak. You, the
congregation, will play that part. Your only job is to be silent, as
God speaks to you. Just like in the psalm. So, let’s begin:
Narrator: Your attention,
please. The LORD has called for a trial! The LORD will be judging…
the gods of the Divine Council. The LORD is about to speak!
God: [to congregation]
Listen up, you “gods”: How long will you judge without justice,
and do favors for the wicked?
[waits silently]
Your job is to give
justice to the weak, to care for orphans, to protect the victims and
the poor, to help those in need, to save them from the wicked! So do
God: [to Narrator] I
called them gods, but like people, they shall die. Every power on
Earth comes to an end. They will also come to an end.
Narrator: Do it, God! Judge
them and judge the Earth! The whole world belongs to you!
really helped me to understand Psalm 82 when I visualized it, and I
hope that it helps you as well.
Vocabulary: “little gods”
I don’t want to go too far
into the weeds on the word “God” today, so I’ll keep this
short. “God” in verse one, is sometimes translated as “The
LORD” in all capital letters, which means Yahweh, I AM. I will use
“The LORD,” in this sermon to refer to the God who we usually
talk about in church. I have decided to refer to the gods of this
Divine Council as “little gods,” to distinguish them from The
LORD. “Little” reflects both the spelling, which you can’t
hear, and The LORD’s judgment on them.
The very idea of “little
gods” brings us naturally to my biggest question: why does Psalm 82
talk about these other gods, when we believe that The LORD is the one
and only true God? One answer, (and I believe there is more than one
answer to this question), one answer lies in worship. Not just
“worship” in the sense of a worship service, like this one, but
something simpler.
By “worship,” I mean
spending time and resources on things that we don’t need to
survive. We consider some things more important than others. We even
build our lives around some of them. The list of things that humans
worship is long and varied. It includes entertainment, pleasure,
family, friends, power over others, perfection, comfort, beauty,
social status, and sometimes even The Lord. Nobody can worship just
one thing. We divide our worship among this and that, mixing
different targets.
Some things we worship as
individuals, and some things we worship together, in groups. We will
have to talk about individual worship some other time. Once again, my
goal is to keep this under 20 minutes, and Psalm 82 is really about
collective worship.
A Note on Psalms
I’ve talked about this
before, but I want to remind you that a Psalm is a song, and a song
is a kind of poem. Poems use imagery, which we all saw earlier.
Images in a poem often stand in for other things, and invite
interpretation. Which is what I am doing now.
Collective Worship
I believe that these “little
gods” are some of the things that society worships collectively. In
other words, a large number of people believe and focus on them. A
society can collectively worship “freedom,” or “creativity,”
or “loyalty,” or “control.” Or even K-Pop! Another word for
this collective worship is culture! For example, Americans worship
“Independence,” so much so that we have a holiday in July named
after it that we celebrate with explosions!
These Little gods are not
inherently bad, until they receive too much power. The little god
“freedom” does not automatically make trouble. But when “freedom”
has too much power, its worshipers refuse to wear face masks during a
pandemic. Then “freedom” is walking around in the dark, causing
chaos. I love the little god “creativity” and often give my time
and resources to it. But when the worshipers of “creativity” make
up stories that incite violence against a group of people, then the
little god creativity is shaking the foundations of the earth.
The “foundations of the
earth” in verse 5 of this poem are not the land on which we build
our cities. The true foundations are The Lord’s values: Justice and
Peace. In Psalm 82, The LORD is judging the little gods based on how
the weakest people in society are treated.
Bad little gods
Any of the little gods can get
out of control, but some of the little gods are born troublemakers.
People do judge others without justice. People do give favor to the
wicked. But why? What drives this kind of injustice? What makes
people help a bad person and punish a good person? Why would we say
that someone who hurts other people is a good person?
In Biblical (and modern)
times, injustice is often driven by greed: a wicked person with money
can hire the best lawyers, drag out trials, and avoid spending time
in jail, while poor people can be thrown in jail for not paying a
fine. In other words, we punish people for being poor. This is the
behavior that The LORD is scolding in verse 2.
Let me share a more
complicated, modern example. I am reading a book, called “Stolen
Focus,” about why people today, like you and me, have so much
trouble thinking and interacting with each other.
One reason that people have
gotten worse at social interactions is because of our favorite social
media companies. There is a company that hosts videos for free, on
which you may be watching this sermon. When they suggest the next
video for you to watch, they use algorithms. These algorithms do not
think, they just notice what makes people stay on the website or in
the app. Do you know what kind of videos make most people stay
longer? Videos that make you angry or afraid. Fear and anger make
most people want to watch more.
There are social media sites
that let you share your personal news with others. If you do not
search for specific news, guess what they show you? That’s right,
news that makes you upset. Because when you are upset, you stay.
The owners and programmers
know that these algorithms are not good for our mental health. They
know that their products are tearing society apart, distracting
people from positive parts of their lives, and making them believe
lies. They are shaking the foundations of the world. Ask the owners
and programmers if they allow their children free access to social
media. They don’t. They know that they are pouring poison into the
well of society.
Why do they do it? Why do we
let them do it? Why do we reward them by using their apps, investing
in their stocks, and not making laws to cut off the poison at its
The answer is simple: Because
they make money. They make lots of money. Advertisers know that if
they sell ads on these platforms, they will bring in piles of money.
People use these platforms because they are free, so they save money.
New laws are passed or shot down depending on who spends the most
money. Money is the little god at the center of this, and many other
problems. Money has become a powerful little god, and it is hurting
everyone. Everyone except the people who have a lot of money, that
Of course, money is not the
only bad little god in our world. Fear, prejudice, popularity,
control. I’m sure you can think of others.
God’s Judgment
But there is good news: The
LORD has judged these little gods, and condemned them to death. The
world was founded on Wisdom, and these little gods have neither
knowledge nor understanding. The world began with Light, and these
little gods are walking about in darkness, shaking the foundations of
the world. The LORD will not tolerate it. The trouble that humans
have made for themselves will not last forever. On the other hand,
God has not yet wiped them out. We are still dealing with these
little gods today.
So what hope do we have for
the present? What can we do right now? I believe that the answer is
in the word we use to describe ourselves. What religion are we?
The Witness of Jesus
What does the word “Christian”
mean to you? The dictionary says a Christian is someone who believes
the teachings of Jesus. Which is okay, I guess. But the original
Greek word, Christianos, means someone who follows the messiah.
Not just someone who believes that Jesus was really cool and awesome,
but someone who follows Jesus, trying to do what Jesus did, the way
that Jesus did it.
Jesus is The LORD’s
demonstration of how a god walks the earth properly. Jesus did not
stumble around blindly, leaving a trail of broken people behind him.
Jesus followed the trail of broken people left by the little gods.
His eyes were open to the pain and suffering of humans, and he was
moved by it. When Jesus saw pain, he brought healing. When Jesus saw
hunger, he gave bread. And when Jesus saw people who were being
crushed by the weight of their sins, he forgave them.
You know, Jesus actually
quotes Psalm 82 when the Pharisees accuse him of blasphemy, for
claiming to be the son of God. I believe that Jesus is taking his
place as a proper role model, showing what it means to walk the earth
in peace.
Don’t forget what Jesus said
from the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what
they are doing.” We don’t realize that we are creating and
maintaining these little gods. Little gods that can, and do, crush
Our Choices
The little gods are doomed.
The LORD will surely prevail. In the meantime, we are caught in the
middle, between the chaos that we have created, and a savior that we
don’t deserve. We do have a choice, though: to side with The LORD,
or to embrace the little gods that we have created.
My family has tried to live
without worshiping this little god, money. It is hard. It has caused
us problems. It is causing us problems now.
As a society, we rarely stop
to ask some very important questions: Why is money more important
than happiness, health, and safety? Why does our society believe that
money is more important? Why do so many people agree to push our
children so hard to get into the best schools, so that they can get
the best jobs, so that they can have the best lives; even though most
people agree that justice and mercy, kindness and humility, are worth
more than money?
Standing with The LORD in
opposition to the little gods will cost you. It may cost you friends,
money, or reputation. Just remember that The LORD has already
declared victory over the little gods.
At first glance, Psalm 82
looks like nothing more than an irrelevant, old, mythical play. It is
old, and it is mythical, but it is anything but irrelevant to us
today. It gives us the language and framework to better understand
the struggle for the world that we are living in.
You may have noticed that
Psalm 82 is written in the present tense, as though the action were
happening right now. Right now as in when the Psalmist wrote it, but
also right now as in July of 2024! The kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The psalmist saw it and proclaimed it, and we also see it and
proclaim it!
The little gods of ancient
Israel are not that different from our little gods today. We make,
give power, and bow down to these little gods by agreeing together
that we will not examine them too closely. We all get behind Aaron
and his story about the golden calf walking out of the fire on its
own. We collectively buy into the lie that the way things are is just
the way they have to be.
The little gods will not
prevail, because Our God, The LORD, the great I AM, has told us that
they will fall. The question for you is, will you cling to the little
gods as they are being destroyed? Or will you live as though they
were already gone?
Lord, the victory is yours. We
can neither help you nor stop you. Give us the wisdom and strength to
turn away from the little gods. Open our eyes to see the beauty in
you. Open our hearts to feel the pleasure of your love. Open our
hands to share your love with those around us. Amen.