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How to Leave a Church pt. 1

[A quick note: in the original post, I included the first name of the pastor at RICC. A friend suggested that it might be taken as a persona...

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Business Card

Horyon is ready to be a business tycoon. We've got a couple hundred of these bad boys just waiting to be handed out. And you know what's on the back? Nuthin. Hopefully by the time we are ready for more there will be a website to add.

I finished my class today. Six-question exam. I finished four, did a big chunk of the fifth, and didn't even scratch the sixth. Still, I hold out hope that I may have gotten a B in the class. If I end up with a C I guess I won't cry or anything, but I will be a bit heavy-hearted. Either way, I have some of my time back, until I get myself a job. Maybe you'll see a bit more activity here on the Roblog in the next month.

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A Brief Introduction

Roblog is my occasional outlet. When something bubbles up and demands to be written, it shows up here.