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How to Leave a Church pt. 1

[A quick note: in the original post, I included the first name of the pastor at RICC. A friend suggested that it might be taken as a persona...

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Friday, November 01, 2013

Where are you from? Really?

This week four of my classes have had to take mock TOEIC tests.  The TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication)  is a 200 multiple-guess test with a 45 minute listening section and 45 minutes of reading questions.  I don't know about the real deal, but our mock version's listening section is crazy difficult, and the reading comprehension part is riddled with mistakes.

My school sets the value of this test at 10% of the grade I give to my students.  So I do.  I tell them that if they put their name and student number on their paper I will give them 8 out of those 10 points.  I then give 9 points to the students who score in the top 20% of each class and 10 points to those who score in the top 10%.

It is an embarrassing waste of time.  I could be doing so much with this time, when the semester total is only 15 class sessions.  Seems like a lot of time, but then you have to subtract this TOEIC test, the first day of classes with abysmal attendance, the midterm, the week off while the Korean professors give midterms, the final, festival, national holidays, and student field trips. This leaves some classes with a total of six teaching days, though some have as many as nine.

My favorite listening question so far:  "What will kids receive when they sit on Santa's lap?" I'm sure it made sense in the context of the story, but I had to cover my laugh with a small cough.

Yes, I am writing this post in the middle of administering this mocked test.

I decided that it is a better use of my time than just reading on my Kindle, which I've done for the previous three classes.  And so I am writing about Maxine's week off from school.  (Her school has fall break this week.)

Maxine's friend at school is Japanese, and her visa was about to expire, so she had to renew it.  Due to extremely clever planning by Korean Immigration, many foreigners living in Korea can only renew their visas at a Korean embassy or consulate.  Since the definitions of embassy and consulate include being in another country, this means spending the money for a plane or boat ticket and accommodations as well as the visa fee itself.  How is that for friendly and welcoming?

Anyway, Maxine's friend, Macheeyae (not sure of the spelling) has to renew her visa.  She is travelling with her mother, Maxine and Macheeyae's teacher, and her son and mother.  Since three adults were going, the ferry tickets are not expensive, and they are staying with relatives, they invited Maxine to come along.  Horyon was not thrilled with the idea, wondering if the radiation could cause long-term health problems, but they are not going North, and are staying for just 3 days and 2 nights.  I thought it sounded like a fantastic experience, and was actually kind of jealous: I didn't leave America until I was 24 years old, and now Maxine is taking in her third country.

They left Wednesday morning and should be back in Korea just about now (5:00 on Friday).  I am excited to hear about her experience, though the 8-year-old point of view on these things is quite different from a more adult perspective.  She was very excited about going, though she said she would miss us.  I think it was probably more like an extended sleepover, with late nights and giggling and junk food.  Maybe she will have some new favorite snacks from Japan?

Maxine already has some basic ideas about how Korea and America are different.  While I was growing up, the idea of cultural differences was like knowing the difference between conditions on Earth and Mars: all theoretical.  As I got older, the ideas grew as well, but I did not and could not really understand what culture was about until I left my own to live in another.  Likewise, I did not really learn another language until I was in my 20's.  (I don't count the 8 weeks of Spanish I took in jr. high.  Lo siento Senora Elmer!  Thank you Google Translate!)  I consider myself to be more aware of the world at large than most people I grew up with, but Maxine and Quinten are growing up to be seriously international, citizens of the world!  How can that not be exciting?

I imagine that when she grows up and people ask her "Where are you from?" she will either say, "I was just at the store." or, "When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much..."  Because a straight answer to the intention of the question could get pretty complicated.  And what sort of answer will her children give?

It makes me happy to realize that there are more and more people with complicated answers to this question.  It takes me back to my Peace Corps days.

When I joined the Peace Corps in 1993 (20 years ago this month!) I learned that the Peace Corps was established with three goals (if you don't count siphoning off young dissidents):  1) training people to help themselves 2) teaching those people about Americans, and 3) teaching Americans about people in other countries.  Though I haven't been in Nepal for many years, I feel like these goals have woven themselves into my life.  I believe that this blog helps some of you to better understand Korea (3rd goal), my daily interactions help Koreans better understand Americans (1st goal), and one goal of my teaching is to help my students to know how to learn English, so that they can improve on their own.

In the end, the world will be a better place if more people better understand the world outside of their country's borders, because the better you understand someone, the harder it is to hate them and the easier it is to cooperate with them.  That's my dream for my kids.

I believe that they will be attracted to the different because wherever they go they will be the different.  When they see conflict their first reaction is to build bridges, not walls.

My intention is that they will seek out new life and new civilizations, boldly going where no one has gone before.  Mostly with their tricorders out rather than their phasers, of course.

And now, the last student has turned in his test, so the essay writing portion of today is finished.




Anonymous said...

Good post but how about some pictures of the kids.
Uncle Bob

Rob Sack said...

To be fair, I was posting from a computer at school, where I am now. Let me see what I can do.

A Brief Introduction

Roblog is my occasional outlet. When something bubbles up and demands to be written, it shows up here.