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How to Leave a Church pt. 1

[A quick note: in the original post, I included the first name of the pastor at RICC. A friend suggested that it might be taken as a persona...

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Work in Progress

There are dishes in the sink, I am getting dressed for work in between sentences, and the house is a mess, so I thought I would write a Roblog post. I have to leave for work in 20 minutes, and will have a two hour lunch break today, but I intend to finish this post before the end of the day.

Let's start with random pictures. I may not taking as many pictures as perhaps I should be, but that is okay. I am enjoying the experience, and living it moment to moment.

First picture with Grandpa and Grandma. Who will win this contest of wills?
Maxine calls it a lunch bag. My Dad calls it a hat.
Grandpa Sack Lunch Sack Hat?

In a week of eating out, the first meal I cooked wasSunday breakfast:
banana, bacon pancakes. Lured Mom and Dad right over!

Mom was very amused that I could include Dad's good side
in a selfie with both of us.

Monday morning, 7 a.m., on the way to take Horyon to the
subway for work. That shiny thing in the background is a sunrise.
Or so I've been told.

Maxine posing in a slightly dangerous place.

Quinten working on his commando skills.

So my parents are here in Busan, and I have been asked a few times how I feel. Answering that question is like describing the pattern a leaf makes as it swirls its way down a meandering stream: the complicated motions you see on the surface only hint at what is happening just a few inches underneath. Nevertheless, I will attempt to share some of the currents with you.

So that was yesterday, I think. Today, November 18th, 2015, was hard, but it ended well.

My parents left this evening for their hotel and said goodbye to the kids, not knowing when they would next meet. Tomorrow I will take a train with them to Seoul before the kids come home from school. We will spend the night near the airport, and in the morning I will see them off. It will be hard, but it will just be me and them, and Goodbye is old acquaintance for us; not exactly welcome, but tolerated. After all, Goodbye often comes after some of the best times, when we have been living with the joy and spirit that precede the anticipated goodbye.

For Quinten and Maxine, Goodbye is mean bastard who rips Grandma and Grandpa away.

[Sorry this feels incomplete; that's where I stopped writing on November 18th, 2015, and for some reason I never got back to it. I'm keeping that publishing date, because that's when I wrote it.]

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A Brief Introduction

Roblog is my occasional outlet. When something bubbles up and demands to be written, it shows up here.