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How to Leave a Church pt. 1

[A quick note: in the original post, I included the first name of the pastor at RICC. A friend suggested that it might be taken as a persona...

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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Class Wrap-up

Yesterday was the last day of class. We finished early, so a bunch of us went out to lunch at a Buffalo Wings place that was far too loud for conversation, but had great food.

We got our papers back. I got full points on every assignment. Since I don't think I ever seriously pissed off the teacher, I should get an A in the class.

When I first signed up for this, I was told that there was a 40% drop-out rate in this program. Since then they have done a few things to drop that rate, including having a face-to-face interview with applicants to see if they were just completely nutso. Judging by my experience this week, they still need to work a few kinks out of the system, but they've mostly got serious contenders.

I enjoyed the class, though not the drive. I ended up meeting a woman who will be teaching at Southwest Jr. High, just a few blocks from my home. She actually lives just down the street from us. I suggested that we might study together regularly, and she seems to be interested. I know it will make a huge difference for me, having someone sitting across the table from me working on the same stuff.

I need to get to bed. Tuesday starts in-service. I suspect that I will go back underground at that point, though I'll try to post here from time to time.




Anonymous said...

Well, hop in the WAY back machine and remember taking Thermo. Was it helpful to sit down w/ Robynn, Jeff & me twice a week or not? WHOA that was a long time ago!!


Rob Sack said...

Immensely helpful. At that point in my university career I was just about ready to pack it in and give up.

I'm a much better student now, and actually look forward to my classes!


Colleen said...

I even remember your Thermo group. I spent a lot of time pestering you all, if I remember correctly. And unfortunately, I'm sure I do. Thanks for putting up with me.

Rob Sack said...

Since I passed, you are forgiven.

Besides, weren't you like bringing us snacks and drinks and stuff? That's how I remember it.

A Brief Introduction

Roblog is my occasional outlet. When something bubbles up and demands to be written, it shows up here.