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How to Leave a Church pt. 1

[A quick note: in the original post, I included the first name of the pastor at RICC. A friend suggested that it might be taken as a persona...

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weight for it...

[It's been a crazy month.  I wrote most of this post a month ago, and then totally forgot about it.  So here it is, minus some bits that were just way too negative.  -R]

I'm trying a new look for the Roblog.  Blogger suggested it, and I figured why not?  At first glance I like it.  Easier to see more posts, and you only get the first couple of paragraphs.  If you're looking for anything within the past couple of years, you could probably find it easily.  Let me know what you think, Uncle Bob and Mom.  I guess anyone else reading this is welcome to comment too, but they are my loyal core.

I rode to work today.  It was some kind of cold.  The other day I bought some K2 mountain climbing gloves. They use Windstopper technology, but I couldn't find them on the website.  They are very much windproof, but just barely warm enough for this weather.  It was pretty close to freezing this morning, and I discovered that I really need to get some overshoes to put on my biking shoes.  Everything else warms up with hard riding, but my feet tend to stay cold.

I should also remember to grab my earmuffs and face/hat tube top.  These accessories make me look a bit dorkier than usual (a neat trick for a fat man wearing spandex), but the first five minutes of that ride are really cold, and if the temperature gets much lower it will be more than the first five minutes.

I feel that I am nearing the end of my cold.  My cough is dying off, though slowly.  Last night I had enough energy to dance around the kitchen with Maxine and Quinten to All Star from the Shrek soundtrack.  I was still wiped out by bedtime, but I haven't had enough sleep in weeks, so that is hardly surprising.

Today we sent the final translation of the website we were working on.  It was fun to do technical writing again.   Drove Horyon crazy, though.  Too many new, complicated ideas.  Not enough time.  If they are happy with our work, I kind of hope to do it again.  Horyon hopes not.  I told her that maybe I would just study Korean well enough to do that kind of project all by myself next time.  We both shared a good, hearty laugh over that.

The school year is coming to an end.  Sort of.  The students took their final exams on Tuesday.  All of them.  Every grade.  Rough day, I feel sorry for them.  Now they have only three more weeks of school until winter break.  Then we come back in late February for two weeks of classes before the spring semester starts.

So is the year finished?  Students sure think so.  I really have no way of arguing with them. We did oral level tests at the end of the spring semester, and I think we will do so again in February.

[This is where it stops. I was writing late in November, then things happened which even now make me want to stop writing, curl up, and go to bed with a good book. So I'll stop thinking, and publish.  I think the main point was this: I had lost more than 20 lbs in the previous 5 months!  Hence the cute title. Ha. ha.]

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A Brief Introduction

Roblog is my occasional outlet. When something bubbles up and demands to be written, it shows up here.