So how about if I move on to some better pictures of Maxine? Here she is with the accessories for her hanbok. The hanbok (rhymes with "on broke") is a traditional Korean outfit worn for special occasions nowadays. Later (not in this post, I'm afraid) you will see the whole outfit.

In other Maxine news, she has taken an interest in my CD collection. We have had to move everything back so that she cannot pull it all out onto the floor. Taking things down from shelves and throwing them on the floor is actually one of her favorite pastimes.

The next day Horyon told me that they really liked it. OK, I'm paraphrasing a bit here. What she told me was that they said they had really delicious sandwiches for breakfast that day. Potato Salad Sandwiches for Breakfast. That's right. I do not have some sort of bizarre hearing impairment that causes my brain to imagine unusual combinations of food for breakfast. That day Horyon proved it to me:

It reminded me of the early, early days of our marriage. After returning from our honeymoon, we stayed at her parents home for a few days. Traditionally, I believe that this is done so that...
Hmm. How can I put this without embarrassing my mother?
The newlyweds stay at the wife's parents home overnight so that the parents can be sure that the husband can... fulfill certain marital obligations. It's five and a half years now, so I can't remember how we did in that respect. We slept on the floor, though. That couldn't have helped.
Rushing back to the connection I was trying to make, the first morning we woke up at my in-laws' home, they served me a sandwich for breakfast, because Horyon had told them that I didn't care much for rice in the morning. I can't remember exactly what was in the sandwich, but it was along the same lines as potato salad.
And that was the first thing I thought of when Horyon made a potato salad sandwich.
The second was my Uncle Kurtis. He doesn't eat potato salad sandwiches (to the best of my knowledge), but his favorite post-Thanksgiving food is a dressing sandwich. That would be two pieces of bread between which you place little pieces of spiced, recooked bread. Definitely belongs in the same post as a p.s.s.
So I Google "Potato Salad Sandwich" (in quotes), and get a surprising " about 30,300" hits. Granted, quite a few of them are actually "potato salad" and "sandwich" separated by a comma, and one at the top of the list was reminiscing about growing up in Tokyo, but there are actually non-Asian people out there who do the p.s.s. thing. Go figure.
And go make yourself a nice potato salad sandwich. You can put a slice of your favorite luncheon meat on it if it makes you feel better.
hi! Rob
nice to meet you again.
yor baby is so cute.
And it's so lucky that she doesn't resemble you. hohoho
just kidding.^^*
you must be lovely baby when you were baby
I didn't understand what you say more than 50% today. ha ha ha
but I'm glad to see you & your blog.
see you again.
happy girl
Comments on three blogs in a row. Some type of record for me. Maybe I should look for something else to keep me occupied when I need a break from work.
Seeing the picture of your apartment reminds me of my apartment when my maid is gone.
Ah...the life of an expat in a developing country where you can afford a live-in-maid!
Maxine is a doll! Hopefully someday she will be able to meet and play with my kids.
No reason why they can't someday. We just have to arrange to be in the same country at the same time. That shouldn't be too hard, right?
Mmm... yum. I think I'll go make one right now. Maybe add a little kimchi (going for the obvious) or bundaegi. Or not.
It's good to be back on your blog! I've been absent for a bit and I'm looking forward to catching up on your fathering, sandwich-making adventures!
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