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How to Leave a Church pt. 1

[A quick note: in the original post, I included the first name of the pastor at RICC. A friend suggested that it might be taken as a persona...

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Them's Good Eatin'

Maxine has been watching us eat for a long time. Here we are recently eating while simultaneously tormenting her.
Boy, that curry sure looks good, don't it?

And the cauliflower. Mm-mm. But then happiness came into Maxine's life.

On Saturday, it was finally Maxine's turn for solid food, though I confess to taking some liberties with the word "solid".
Here's the recipe for what we fed her, if you want to try this one at home:

1/4 cup organically grown white rice
2 1/2 cups water

pick through rice, discarding the nasty ones. Rinse rice three times, stirring vigorously to insure that it is really really clean. Put rice in water in pot on stove. Bring to a slow boil, then cook until it looks like tapioca pudding, stirring occasionally to avoid stuff burning to the bottom. Allow mixture to cool, then push through a screen to eliminate any chunks bigger than a grain of sand. Add salt and pepper to taste. But since babies have no taste, DO NOT ADD ANY SEASONINGS!

Guaranteed to please your baby.

Maxine enjoyed eating, as we expected she would. She had been watching us eat for so long that it seemed inevitable that she would enjoy it. We were surprised at how much of the porridge went into her. We took turns feeding her and taking pictures/running the video camera, though it seemed to work best if one of us restrained her arms while the other shoveled food in.

She must have eaten two or three tablespoons of the stuff, and we were quite pleased with ourselves. But we didn't stop to think about one important question:

How do you feel after eating a huge amount of food that you are not accustomed to? If you've ever been in this situation, you have wished that, like Maxine, you continually wore a handkerchief around your neck and a diaper. She was happy that she had those advantages.

In the interests of going to bed before midnight (already too late) and not grossing out my adoring fans (all three of you), I will leave it at that.

Today when we fed her, not as much went down her throat, and considerably more went down her chin. But today was Sunday, and church leaves her tired and cranky.

Horyon and I went to the Westin Chosun hotel for dinner. They have an incredible buffet, which I cannot do justice here because I am too tired. So goodnight.

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Roblog is my occasional outlet. When something bubbles up and demands to be written, it shows up here.