I recently read "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. I was at the school library, saw it, and realized that I knew the title without having read it. That just seemed wrong, so I picked it up (along with H.P. and the Order of the Phoenix, which I was originally looking for). It's an interesting read, despite the lack of actual story to drive it. It was written in 1951, and feels quite old to me. The style, especially the way they swear, feels very quaint. Makes me wonder if the modern books I enjoy now will look the same way in 55 years.
New topic.
I started classes last Thursday. I'm teaching six classes, with a total of 270 students. For those of you who read faster than you do math, that's 45 students per class, average. Of course, some of those classes are pushing 50. And I teach them conversation. Right. Classes at Kyungsung University are grouped by major, and I'm teaching Law majors, Political Science majors, Social Welfare majors, and Public Administration majors. I'm considering making that last group turn in all their assignments in triplicate, attached to the proper forms which they can find in the back of a filing cabinet in the basement of the Music Ed. building. Seems appropriate, to get them on the right footing for their future jobs.
I've already discovered which class will be the biggest pain in the (ahem) neck. During their first hour with me, most students will sit quietly, most of them with that deer-in-the-headlights look on their faces. But one class constantly talked to each other, in spite of my repeated demands for silence while I am talking. At the end of their first class, I warned them that if I am not happy with the class as a whole, their grades as a whole will be low. I did it to the English majors, and I'm not a afraid to do it to them. Would you care to guess which major provided this pleasure for me? Answer at the bottom of this entry.
New Topic
Maxine is doing well. No health problems. Can't say the same for Horyon. Saturday she caught a cold. Stayed home from church Sunday, went to the clinic yesterday, and is much better today. I think Maxine valiantly fought the cold off yesterday. She slept most of the day, and didn't eat much, but today she was back in top form. Hooray for breast feeding!
My parents brought a new toy for her. We call it the Crazy Duck. I'm sure that if you examine the picture closely, you will see why.

While my folks were here, we went to the studio to get some photos taken.

I saved the most depressing news for last. Maxine has a boyfriend.

New Topic
For those of you who know my Uncle Bob, be sure to thank him. He sent me an email today reminding me that all three of my fans are anxiously awaiting a new installment of Roblog. Thanks Uncle Bob!
A: It was the Public Administration majors. The Social Welfare majors seemed to be lower level, but they were nicer. The Law Majors were the sharpest, but they haven't grown their shark teeth yet. And the Political Science majors are pretty much like the ones I remember from my university days. 'Nuff said.
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