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How to Leave a Church pt. 1

[A quick note: in the original post, I included the first name of the pastor at RICC. A friend suggested that it might be taken as a persona...

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Friday, October 21, 2005

A Polite Awakening

Saturday Morning, just before 11:30, and I am still appreciating one of the advantages of Maxine and Horyon staying with the in-laws. (Of course, by "appreciate" I mean "sleep") The phone rings, waking me up, but I don't mind. It's my lovely sister-in-law, Chae-ryon. She's calling to thank me for the pictures and writing on my Roblog. She tells me that it feels very personal, and she checks it every day. This reminds me that I haven't posted for a couple of days, so I turn on the computer, start up my Netscape (boo on Microsoft!) and have my Roblog editor up by the time she says goodbye.

And here I am, no breakfast, and a bit of an agenda for the day, but feeling the need to write a bit. While we were at the hospital a photograpaher came and took pictures for an album we will be receiving later. I took one, too:

The guy definitely knows his light. I took a quick picture on automatic setting, and liked the results. He took closer shots, and they look wonderful. I'm hoping to get the files from the studio. I'm willing to pay for them, but sometimes they can be funny about that sort of thing. As though the only way I am ever going to have any of the pictures they took is if I pay $5 a pop for them to develop them for me.

Enough complaining. Horyon and Maxine came home from the Resting Place on Thursday. Well, they went to Horyon's parents' home, that is. She's had some difficulties. Thursday night Maxine woke her up about five times. Nurse for at least forty minutes, sleep for an hour. Repeat. Five times. Yikes. When I saw Horyon yesterday afternoon, she was exhausted. But last night, Friday, she slept well: woke Horyon up just twice. Perhaps because she had a bath.

I did take pictures of the first bath at home, but the camera is at the in-laws' place. You'll get to see later, maybe in the next post. Warning, they may contain nudity!



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A Brief Introduction

Roblog is my occasional outlet. When something bubbles up and demands to be written, it shows up here.