Got milk?

Last week I cooked a little Thai stir-fry, with mushrooms, broccoli, chicken and egg. (To forestall the smart-alek questions, I will go ahead and tell you that the chicken came first in this recipe.) I was quite happy with the results, but wasn't sure how Maxine would take to it.

And just in case you thought that I only took pictures of Maxine while she was eating, allow me to present "The Boxer"

I hope you've enjoyed this quick fix. Tomorrow the movers will come and take away a huge chunk of our stuff. I've already got some packing pictures, including a couple of Horyon! If all goes well, I should be able to post again tomorrow night.
Here is a preview of the important dates: Movers tomorrow. Maxine moved to the in-laws' home Tuesday (yesterday), and Horyon is staying there tonight, while I'm staying here to get a few more things done (like this).
Horyon went to Seoul Monday, and will go again Friday, both for Korean government paperwork. In between she has spent a lot of time doing government paperwork here. Hopefully we will soon have a date for an interview, and hopefully that date will be at the end of February. But we can't do the interview until Horyon has the medical exam, complete with chest x-ray and stuff at a certified, U.S. government approved hospital. The soonest appointment she can get in Pusan is March 5th, so that may factor in. Or she could go to Seoul for an earlier appointment. After all, what's one more trip back and forth to Seoul? Once we go to the interview, we have every reason to expect that she will get her visa within three or four days, after which we can buy a plane ticket.
We're thinking the third week of March. This will give us time for:
1. Horyon to visit friends and family.
2. Eating more Korean food.
3. Grandpa and Grandma to be with Maxine.
4. Studying sewing.
My parents will be on a cruise until March 24th or so, so Horyon doesn't see much point in going home before that. Unfortunately, in one of those little twists that life throws you, we can't really ship our stuff to America until I am actually there to receive it. American customs, or perhaps the security guys, must be worried that perhaps I would send my mess to America and then not come to look after it.
Well, that's more than I had planned on writing this evening, and it's after midnight. The movers will be here at 9 a.m., and I want to be ready for them, like that kid in "Home Alone."
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